miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015

Kitchen Tools

1. Chef knife

*The knife cut and chop a food*

2. Fridge

*The fridge keep the food fresh*

3. Sink

*We used this site to wash the hands and foods*

4. Frying pan

*I prepare a hogao on the frying pan*

5. Cutting board

*We put the food on cutting board*

6. Hood cooker

*The smoke is removed with the hood cooker* 

7. Work surface

*On the work surface we put a food and the mise en place*

8. Stove
*A gas stove to cook the food*

9. Fryer

*The fryer is used to fry or cook food on oil*

10. Grill

*We use the grill to cook on over intense heat*

11. Microwave

*On the microwave the food is warm up*

12. Sauté pan

*To cook in a small amount of fat we use the sautépan*

13. Blender

*The blades of the blender help us cutting the vegetables, fruits, things like that*

14. Saucepan

* We can prepare a cook on the saucepan*

15. Pot

*The chef prepare a sancocho in the pot*

16. Dishwasher
*The dishwasher is used to do the dishes*

17. Freezer

*It's used for freezing food*

18. Spoon

*The spoon has different kinds of uses like eat and mix the food*

19. Fork

*The commensal hold up the meal with fork*

20. Colander

*The colander is used for drain the liquid than has the food*

21. Squeezer

*The squeezer is used to extract the fruit juice*

22. Peeler

*The peeler is used to remove the potato shell*

23. Metal spatula

*It's usully used to turn over the meat of the hamburguer*

24. Ladle

*It's use to remove the foam of the soups*

25. Potato masher

*The potato masher can be use to mashed potatoes*

26. Turner
*It's especially used to turn over pancakes and creps*

27. Draining spoon

*A large spoon with slots in the bowl is a useful tool for draining food cooked in liquid*

28. Skimmer
*Used to remove dumplings, croquettes, fritters, tempura, etc from hot oil. The oil seals, sets, and cooks fairly quickly and you want to remove the food at the right time*

29. Bottle opener

*It's use to uncork the bottles*

30. Can opener
*Can open canned , like peach, tuna things like that*

31. Measuring spoons

*This spoons are used to measure quantities*

32. Paring knife
*Is ideal for peeling and other small or intricate work*

33. Rubber spatula

*Ideal for stirring a preparation that could stick to the bottom of the pan, or for completly emptying a bowl or a pan cleanly without leaving a drop*

34. Slotted spoon

*Used to retrieve items from a cooking liquid while preserving the liquid in the pot*

35. Tongs

*For turning something easily during cooking (apple quarters for example), or removing something hot from a pan, and also for serving spaghetti.*

36. Whisk

*For beating  or whipping a preparation, to mix thoroughly, and especially to incorporate air.*

37. Wooden spoon
*Is used because does not change the temperature of cooked soups*

38. Toaster

*I'ts an appliance for toasting bread, muffins, etc.*

39. Skewers

*With the skewers and food (vegetables, meat, mushrooms) we can prepare brochette*

40. Foil

*The food can be wrap up with the foil*

41. Rolling pin
*We can knead the pizza dough with rolling pin*

42. Butter dish
*In this recipient is placed the butter*

43. Tea kettle

*It's a teapot specially to prepare the tea*

44. Salt shaker

*Conteiner to accumulate salt*

45. Rice cooker

*Special pot used to prepare rice*

46. Tray
*Baking tray for some food, especially used in baking*

47. Pitcher

*With the pitcher we can serve the juice*

48. Wringer

*I'ts a machine used to elaborate mass like lasagna dough*

49. Lid

*Is putting the lid on the pot to conserve the aroma*

50. Bread knife

*Bread knives may have a straight or slightly curved blade with a serrated edge that's ideal for bread and hard rind fruits*

51. Slicer vegetables

*The vegetables are slices with a slicer*

52. Slicer cake
*It's special to cut cakes and also remove the portion*

53. Pepper mill
*Used to add pepper on some preparation*

54. Crockery

*Silverware, it's really important in a restaurant, because is serve food and drinks*

55. Cutlery

*The cutlery are utensils with people use to eat*

56. Plate

*The meal are serve on the plate*

56. Pepper shaker
*Conteiner to accumulate pepper*

57. Tablespoon

*The tablespoon is used to eat the soup*

58. Teaspoon

*The teaspoon is used to eat the pudding*

59. Glass

*Contain liquids like water or juice*

60. Bowl

*With the bowl we can add food and made a mise en place*

61. Cup
*It's used to serve tea or coffe*

62. Napkin

*It's used to dry liquids also to grab hotter things*

63. Coffee pot

*Pot for making coffee*

64. Oven

*The oven is used to cook broaster chicken*

65. Hand mixer

*We can mix the ingredients of cake with the hand mixer*

66. Stand mixer

*The stand mixer is used to mix and prepare the chantilly*

67. Faucet

*Give wather to the diffetrents areas of the cook*

68. Mincer

*We can grind the meat in the mincer*

69. Teapot
*Its was made in porcelana used to serve the tea*

70. Pressure cooker

*Cook with a pressure cooker the food are more fast*

71. Mixing bowl

*The ingredients can be mixed on this bowl*

72. Bakery moulds

*We make differents cakes with this moulds*

73. Mug
*The chef drinks a capuccino in a mug*

74. Apron

*We protect our uniforme with the apron*

75. Cupcake pan
*The muffins and cupcakes are made in a special mould, as the cupcake pan*

76. Grater
*The grater is used for grate the cheese*

77. Strainer
*The strainer is necesary for separate the liquid  and residue of fruits*

78. Food containers
*The food containers are special for preserve the meal*

79. Canister
* Some food can be keep in the canister*

80. Brush

*For coating or glazing with a liquid, water or beaten egg-yolk*

81. Palet knife

*For moving small items without breaking them, or lifting up pastry without making a hole it*

82. Weighing scales

*With it you can weigh everything, even in small quantities*

83. Wooden spatula

*To mix, to stir in a saucepan or frying-pan*

84. Spider
*It's ideal for removing something solid from a liquid, like vegetables in water for example*

85. Chinois
*It's mainly used for extracting liquid from a mixture by pressing down hard onto it*

86. Cream whipper
*It's used for many  foams, in different flavours, savoury or sweet, cold or hot*

87. Cutter

*This is a ring (or other shape) with a sharp edge, which when pressed down cuts out shapes from pastry, doughs or other soft materials.*

88. Pastry bag

*It's used in baking, especially for decorating cakes, cupcakes, etc*

89. Serrated knife

*Useful for cutting, sectioning, and trimming large pieces of meat*

90. Silicon baking mat
*Prevents that the food stick to the baking sheets*

91. Cleaver
*A cleaver features a long, wide blade that is used to chop and cut through thick meat and bone. Cleavers are also ideal for opening lobsters*

92. Marmita (Big pot)
*I'ts generally used industrially processed purchase nutritious foods such as jam, jelly, chocolate, sweets, confiste, meat sauces, sandwiches, etc*